Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Sports College SA is a leader in Senior Secondary education. Discover our vision, mission and purpose as an Independent College, for the South Australian community.


‘Changing the Game’ is our vision across the College in delivery of South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) for young people in student centric learning. We are a forward thinking, student centric learning community with a focus on being visionary, inclusive and authentic in all we do. 




At Sports College SA, a key value is to be visionary in what we do. We are relentless about leading radical improvement, innovation and change for all our students.

As an independent senior college, we pride ourselves on being inclusive. We are all members of our community, so they feel a strong sense of social connectedness, strong belonging, and personal achievement.

Our team works to be authentic across the school environment. We are honest with ourselves and others and always deliver on promises to the very best of our capabilities.

Core Objectives


To create a whole college community culture that is enthused with & engaged in
purposeful radical improvement, innovation, and change.

Curriculum & Pedagogy

To design, develop, and deliver forward-thinking student-centric learning that is highly
customized, engaging and secures an exemplary student learning experience.

Organisation Design

To implement structural designs for key components of the college that are effective, efficient and enable construction of a forward-thinking student-centric learning community.


To empower every person to gain knowledge, skills, and competencies alongside a
feeling of strong connection, belonging and personal achievement to unleash their potential to thrive.

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